A Meaningful Pause

aha moment jae m rang Jul 08, 2024

What are you addicted to?

Everyone is addicted to something.  It’s natural.  Sometimes it is a habit that we repeat often enough, we eventually realize we can’t live without it! 

Many (many) years ago I smoked.  Now that I understand the clever programming, I realize I succumbed to the luring advertising toward women to have their own cigarettes.  Those were the days it was cool, elegant, even sexy to smoke. When people arrived at the restaurant, bar or meeting, the first thing they did was put their smokes on the table.  (Of course, that ritual has been replaced with cell phones.)  Ash trays were part of the décor and owning a refillable lighter was considered classy.

Smoking did not fit my athletic lifestyle, but I was hooked.  Then slowly the movement began to remove smoking from public places so being cool transitioned to being inconvenienced.  There was a time when I couldn’t go anywhere without an adequate supply of “nails in the coffin” (as my mom called them) and planning my breaks in advance so as to enjoy (?) them. One day the harsh reality set in that something so destructive owned me.

How did this happen?  How did something so cool and innocent take control of my body, mind, and time?  Maybe the better question is, “How unworthy did I feel at the time that harming myself felt good?”

Aha! ~ You cannot find self-respect in anyone else.

Addictions come in all shapes and sizes – scrolling, mind-altering substances, sugar, drama, pain, lying, coffee, porn, abuse, shopping, gambling, self-pity, blame, over-training, procrastination – and exist in the body through our senses.  Addictions can be anything on the spectrum from slightly annoying to having such a strong hold that even when your intelligent mind knows your addiction is compromising your health, relationships or happiness, you continue to do it anyway.

Addictions can be cries of fear, frustration, guilt, lack of purpose, resentment, unworthiness or an attempt to simply be accepted.   And with the constant bombardment of society’s messaging to entice you towards the convenient, cool or quick fix, take a meaningful pause and ask, “Am I doing this out of habit or programming or out of choice?”

Then choose the good stuff.


Hey, are you receiving The Pillar Pulse?  (mine fell into JUNK which is why I am asking). TPP is Aha!s on steroids; super brief nuggets, pics and vids in the four pillars of strength. Would just love your feedback!!  See you in Human U


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