Burn, Baby, Burn

aha moment jae m rang Feb 10, 2025

What are you passionate about?
I love seeing individuals dive in, defend their beliefs and pour bold energy into that deep unshakeable yearning that pulls them forward. 
Passionate people have contagious enthusiasm like electricity the sparks creativity and drive however can also be a storm of emotion, crashing against reason.

The same intensity that creates art, movements, and inventions can also lead to burnout, chaos, and ruin.
Aha! ~ Passion is power, and like all power it demands awareness, discipline and direction.


The dictionary describes passion as, “Strong and barely controllable emotion”. Passion is a force that can both build and destroy.  It’s like walking a tightrope between obsession and purpose.
Passionate people are always on fire so while that emotional pendulum can swing equally in either direction, that fire needs to be stoked not suffocated.

Most importantly, passion drives.
Passion makes you feel alive!
It’s a sign that you have a hunger that will never be satisfied and that you are living on purpose.


When you’re passionate about something or someone, you’re seizing your life’s moments and making every single one of them count. So what if you stumble or crash.  Better to burn with purpose than fade with regret.


This week in Human U we’ll tackle that double-edge sword of passion, when it gets us into trouble and when it fuels our greatest victories.  Join us!


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