Busy Bee

aha moment jae m rang Apr 13, 2023

Ah – the old adage: if you want something done, ask a busy person.

Why is that? Is it because busy people are more organized? Or because busy people like to be even busier? Or busy people can’t say, “No”?

I remember years ago when I was looking to hire an Inside Sales Coordinator, I made a distinctive list of all the qualities I wanted this individual to own. “Mom” was one of the attributes for a couple of reasons; one, because I only needed someone during regular school hours, roughly 9:00 – 3:00, and two, because moms are resilient, resourceful and can always find ways to make things work and keep everyone happy in the shortest amount of time.

Something else I’ve noticed about “busy”: when I haven’t seen someone for a while, their usual greeting is something like, “Hey, Jae, how are you? Keeping busy?” What is our obsession with being busy?

In my earlier years I raised two step-daughters and later had my son. Between all the school volunteer stuff (I didn’t allow the system to raise my child on its own), the sport program commitments, running my business with several staff, managing a showroom, attending conferences and trade shows plus volunteering for the industry boards and programs like Junior Achievement, I also cleaned my own home, made all the meals, did all the dishes and laundry, shopped and wrapped all the birthday, Christmas and other celebratory gifts, planned and entertained family and friends regularly, taught skating two nights plus one day per weekend and set aside reading and learning time daily. I found time to work out regularly and yet my son, my number one, received the most attention of all. The point is, I know “busy”.

In doing some deep, personal dives years later, I recognized that my commitment to doing it all was connected with a sense of having to earn my place. I was happy, proud and found great joy in much of what I was doing - I wouldn’t change a moment of my past – but I could have been kinder to myself.

Aha – “Busy” is not a badge of honor when it is time and money freedom we deserve

My dad used to say, “Idle hands make an idle mind”. I agree. The biggest uprisings in society happen when unemployment is high. Nothing is more satisfying to the ego than being in demand.

But life is also about meditating in a Muskoka Chair on the dock while the sun goes down. It’s about getting a massage, having a long conversation with the family at the dinner table, ziplining across Niagara Falls, skiing the Alps, enjoying a riverboat cruise in Berlin, climbing the great divide in Colorado, talking to the dolphins as they dance in the Atlantic off the coast of Newfoundland, and golfing at Pinehurst with great friends.

We mustn’t interchange “busy” with “distracted”. We can’t excuse ourselves from not having time or money freedom because we allowed it to be stolen by distractions.

My intention these days is what I call, “power working”. I’m laser-focused for specific hours of the day then block off essential time to reflect, ponder, experience, listen, connect, inspire and love. That’s my kind of busy.

What’s yours?

Doing deep dives is essential to understanding our self-sabotage and how our minds get hacked and our time gets stolen! We all get the same 24 hours in a day. Are yours invested in time and money freedom? Let’s talk about that tomorrow – February 21st – at NOON eastern right here


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