Choose Joy

Dec 18, 2023

We’re in the thick of what many refer to as “flu season”.  In reality it is simply, “overload” season!

This is the season when we run ourselves ragged trying to finish the work year on a high note, shop, wrap, party, travel, drink and eat all the stuff we shouldn’t, and don’t get the rest, hydration or exercise we need.  Then we wonder why we get sick.

We abuse ourselves then come January 1st, jump on the “new year, new you” bandwagon and attempt to discard all the bad habits … overnight.

Yes, a decision to do things differently is essential in getting the pendulum to swing in the other direction but how far can we go without a strong “why” behind it? And can we keep the pendulum a little closer to center so as not to experience such extremes?

Aha! ~ When motivation is low, discipline will carry you through.

Zig Ziglar used to say, “Motivation is like taking a shower. You need to do it every day”.  It’s not always easy to motivate yourself when the potential for burn-out is at an all-time high. It’s during those times that already established healthy habits – knowing when to take a break, carrying a water bottle, getting your face in the sun, meal-prepping, heading for the stairs vs. the elevator, and not cheating yourself out of your beauty sleep – will keep that spring in your step.

But there’s more to it.  It’s called, “joy”.

Someone posted my favourite “gang” – Peanuts – with these words of wisdom: “When you choose joy, you feel good, and when you feel good, you do good, and when you do good, it reminds others of what joy feels like, and it just might inspire them to do the same”. 

Carrying joy in your heart is the signal to your mind and body that everything is right in the world.  Joy becomes the motivation for you to get your face in the sun, gulp that water, fly up the staircase, high-five those around you and, at the end of the day, put your head on your pillow smiling.

Tell a stranger they look amazing.  Encourage someone who needs a boost.  Look yourself in the mirror and say, “I love you”.  Choose joy.

Life is good.


The next two Aha!s will land on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day … I hope you go looking for them and that they put a smile on your face!  In the meantime, hop onto YouTube for more on the discipline conversation entitled Choose Joy.


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