Choose Only One

aha moment jae m rang Jan 08, 2024

I have to ask, what new year’s resolution did you set?

While the turn of the calendar year is just another 24 hours – the sun rises and the sun sets like any other day – because of the date change, we’ve been conditioned to celebrate.  That celebration includes letting go of what we don’t want and setting new intentions for what we do want.

Did you go through that ritual on December 31st?

I’ll go on record saying that I believe the middle of winter (in the northern hemisphere) feels more like hibernation time to me, a time when rest, reflection and self-care feel more natural. Does expecting to spring out of a gate during the cozy, dormant time of winter sound like an excuse?

Personally, I take stock in March.  My birthday is at the end of March so to me, that’s my new year, however I believe intuitively I am following nature’s natural order.  Spring is when the buds appear on the trees, colourful blooms rear themselves from the fertile ground and far more bunnies appear.

Having said that, January has always been a huge personal development month – new year, new you, as they say.  Coming off holiday celebrations, being out of routine and tackling annual family drama, it’s probably not a bad idea to clean up the diet, get clear on values and commit to follow what’s truly important.  And hey, if everyone else is doing it then we have lots of company, right?

But what happens when motivation wears off as resolutions are challenged by “life” and old programming kicks back in to run the show?  Do you lift yourself up or let yourself down?

Aha! ~ Pick only one improvement.

Drastic changes shock your habits.  And if your habits are self-sabotaging then that’s a good thing but change will take more might than you may be prepared for.

Deciding to change one thing may sound lame – like you’re copping out on transformation – but understand that your personal programming runs deep, and lasting change takes both time and repetition. Pressuring yourself to tackle too many changes can lead to stress which leads to illness. Doesn’t it sound lighter and happier to commit to improving just one aspect?

My one thing is something I’ve been mentally preparing for the past few months.  It’s something I’ve never done.  It is this: to go outside for a walk first thing in the morning (dog walkers can relate).  As a mom and business owner I have always gotten myself ready first – I don’t leave my room until I am prepped for my day and my bed is made.  But studying Dr. Jack Kruse, and with my friend, Rachel Maurice MD, leading by example, I fully realized there are far more benefits to getting a good dose of that spectrum of natural light first thing than anything else I choose to do for myself at that time. 

The temps here are hovering around zero Celsius and the skies have been extremely gloomy for weeks so if I said I was dragging myself out of bed in the morning, I would not be understating the truth.  Now I’ve also cleaned out my fridge and re-stocked it with healthy organics, and I certainly have noted a couple of behaviours in my business calendar that I intend to routinely adopt, but those don’t feel so heavy when I start my day with Mommy Nature.

What’s your one thing?


Whatever that one improvement is, remember the effect is cumulative.  A small change can yield big results.  Get your first month’s membership in Human U free with a copy of 50 Simple Ways to Release the Shackles of Self-Sabotage and hear from experts in our weekly calls!  Then jump on YouTube for more on this Aha! Moment.


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