Christmas Magic

Dec 25, 2023

What is it that you love about the Christmas season?

There are many different celebrations going on around the time of the winter solstice yet I believe there are some commonalities amongst them as it relates to us humans.

Some say it’s childlike to anticipate Christmas but there are things about this season that I particularly love. For starters, even though everyone seems to be in a bit of a tizzy - and you’re taking your life into your hands walking across a mall parking lot - people, in general, are in a better mood. More of them smile, hold the door, and extend good wishes.

I also love the decorations. Seeing lots of greenery with the twinkling of lights is a beautiful shift from glass, steel and concrete that most cities are made of.

And while some resent what they refer to as “commercialism”, I love to see busy stores and markets for two reasons 1) the circulation of cash amongst people and providers, boosting the sales of providers and our economy in general and 2) I simply love giving gifts. I am in front of sellers daily for over a month putting together a couple hundred gifts that are delivered by mail or in person. To me, it’s a the perfect opportunity to surprise and delight people at a time when they may be feeling overwhelmed. That brings me such joy.

Mostly I love the magic. I feel this warm sense of fellowship and love at this time of year. I witness people pausing, donating, cooking, visiting, celebrating, smiling, collaborating, sharing, hugging, connecting and simply caring in ways they don’t as much at other times of the year. It almost makes me want to have Christmas decorations up all year round … almost …

I’m thinking … habits are what we repetitively do, right? So, what if we were to hold the warm, caring, engaging, generous, kind, and appreciative nature in our hearts and allow it to reflect daily in our thoughts and actions? What, in our lives, would change?

Aha! ~ "Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind." — Calvin Coolidge

Just imagine what the Law of Attraction would deliver if you chose to maintain just one element of the spirit of Christmas all year ‘round. More kindness? Patience? Generosity? Appreciation? Presence? Acceptance? Something else?

Patience, for me, stands out as an element I’d like to offer more abundantly going forward.

Now I totally understand that this season is a time when old wounds resurface, when stress and pressure can get the best of you, when it might feel lonely, or that your expectations of what Christmas is supposed to be can be brutally shattered. I’ve lived them all and understand. But in the bigger picture, we get what we give, so let’s decide to give our very best to ourselves first and allow it to shine outwards. That is what A Human Approach is all about.

May the magic of the season fill your heart and your home all year ‘round.

Members of Human U are invited to a private call December 26th to discuss this Aha! and more. Watch your email for this week’s calendar of events or join Human U here. To everyone, join us on Youtube for the elaboration of this message, entitled, “Christmas Magic”.


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