Energy Extractors

Nov 06, 2023

Everything is energy.


You are energy.


All of what you put into your job, your relationships, your volunteerism, your home – every ounce of labour – is energy output.


And we live in a world where the required or expected energy never seems to be enough.  Perhaps it’s the labels: engineer, homeowner, board member, dad, community leader, coach, gardener, cook.  Think of the energy you put into all your roles and ask yourself if you feel fulfillment, recognition and appreciation through them all.  Do you sometimes feel that you’re not keeping up, have enough time or are not good enough?


You’re not alone.


The system is an energy extractor pushing you to manage 24-hour days that includes giving your best at work, being there for your family, excelling at all your other roles and thinking you can fit in your needs.  


The system is competitive and designed to have you believe there is a finite supply.  The system can make you hate-on yourself to wear exhaustion like a badge of honor.  The system will oust you when you don’t measure up.


How do we cope – strike that – how we do excel when the system endlessly demands more?


Aha! ~ Change jobs.


This is about energy and where you expend it.  Jim Rohn has the best advice: “Work harder on yourself than you do on your job.” 


The Law of Vibration will bring to you, not what you want, but who you are.


If your vibration is to grind, to compete, to rush, to suffer, or to trade yourself for money that they print out of thin air, you’ll simply attract more of the same.


“If you allow it, the system will extract all of your energy. Darkness wants your energy to feed itself.  Don’t give it.  Escalate your consciousness and work on yourself first” ~ Ted Hanik


How can you give your best when your energy is being sucked away with toxins at every turn? You can’t.


So … given that you are irreplaceable, your job, therefore, is to get as close to Source energy as possible – face in the sun, feet on the ground – nourish yourself with quality food, move your body, learn like there is no tomorrow, allow yourself to be guided, find joy in what you do, and love with all your heart.  Only then will your vibration be at its highest and your ability to create even higher.


“Let your dominant intent be to feel good which means be playful, have fun, laugh often, look for reasons to appreciate and practice the art of appreciation.  And as you practice it, the Universe, who has been watching you practice, will give you constant opportunities to express it so that your life gets better and better and better …. “   ~ Abraham Hicks




Ted Hanik of Hanik Health was a wonderful inspiration for this Aha!  And at a time when I needed that advice, too!  Sharing more about that inside story on our A Human Approach channel entitled, Energy Extractors


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