I Don’t Feel Like It

aha moment jae m rang May 06, 2024

How many times have you justified your action – or inaction – with busy-ness, other priorities, inconveniences, lack of communication or missing elements when the real reason you did not attend, participate or implement is because you just, plain didn’t feel like it?

You are expected to attend a launch event across town at the close of the business day. You know it would mean more time in traffic than you have patience for, having to bring a change of clothes and to be engaging when your battery is close to empty.  Do you go to the event?

It’s “leg day” but everyone is going to a concert.  What do you choose?

The business plan includes being in front of three new people every day.  It’s been a heck of a week with family diversions and fires to put out.  Do you look for three new people anyway?

So often best laid plans can get sidetracked because life gets in the way, at which point intentions are tested and “I don’t feel like it” wins over.  However, what overall impact does a short-term “I don’t feel like it” have on accomplishing long-term desires?  We need to care for ourselves as burnout is not an option, but can excusing ourselves water down meaningful goals?

Aha! ~ “Without commitment you won’t start.  Without consistency you won’t finish.”  Tony Hubbard

Your best life requires growth in two ways; gravitropic and phototropic as we use a tree to illustrate.

Gravitropic is the growth below the earth’s surface.  It’s in the deep, swampy shadows where stability and resistance are developed. 

Phototropic is the growth away from gravity and towards the light. 

The stronger the root, the greater the stability.  The more exposure towards light, the sweeter the fruit.

With a clear vision, a mentor and a plan, the way forward will present itself with a variety of opportunities and circumstances to enable growth, however, you need to act on them.  Ignoring the signs and opportunities, or worse, giving way to complacent programming with “I don’t feel like it” excuses, you’re disabling natural expansion.

Digging in the hardest when you feel like it the least will be work, but it’s your work, for your soul’s purpose.  The world is watching.


Your community awaits!  C’mon, let’s do this! Get the book then choose Human U to be your very best you.


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