Invisible Enemies

aha moment jae m rang Nov 20, 2023

Do you have any enemies?

Not everyone can be a friend 100% of the time.  It’s not uncommon that when people feel jerked or slighted that they can turn.  It’s only their ego talking – their spirit knows better – but the bruised ego can launch some beautiful souls into protection mode and even prompt them to raise a nasty emotional hand against their fellow man.  Nobody wins in that game and worse, it’s tough to return to high vibes and fellowship when that negative output is invisible.

I believe, though, that there are other invisible enemies that we let in all too often.

Let’s take sugar, for example.  (Aha, not what you were expecting?)  If you’re like most and find that full time work and family obligations have you making meal-prep short cuts and counting on the packaged goods in the centre aisles of the supermarket, you likely consume things like salad dressing, ketchup, coffee additives, white bread, canned goods, jam, fruit drinks or sodas, and believe you’re eating healthy with that tub of yogurt, pasta sauce, energy bars or cereal.  Sugar is hidden in many processed foods as well as fast foods and is a known toxin that throws your body into an inflammatory state not to mention adds empty calories.  Also, sugar is more addictive than cocaine.  Many will tell themselves, “I don’t eat much sugar” remembering only the occasional chocolate indulgence but when clarity and energy are zapped, it’s time to go looking for the culprits. 

What other invisible enemies have a chokehold on you being your best?  EMF waves?  Unfulfilled work?  Mental programming?  Why do we allow these to reroute us away from success?

Aha! ~ “When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.”  ~ Winston Churchill 

Before you can detect when or where harm or negative influences are coming from, you first need to face when and why you allow them.  When you actually take a side – your side, the side of expansion and elevation – you find yourself asking better questions, choosing your company differently, investing your time better, setting new boundaries, and simply focusing on feeling good. 

It feels to me like more people are waking up to the joys of nature, choosing better quality food, actively seeking out enlightened conversations, working more closely with people than entities, looking for meaning in their work, seeing the value of movement under the sun and overall, simplifying life.  I believe that shift is initiated from within. 

Being complacent, simply going along and giving in to doing what is comfortable, easy or what you’ve always done, is all too easy but is that what you deserve?

“I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.”  ~ Elie Wiesel 

Be your own best friend and get on the side of right.


Aha!  Another “multiple aha” Aha! Moment! Taking care is not always easy but as my dad used to say, “Anything worth having is worth working for”. Let’s talk more about programming, saboteurs and choices on our YouTube channel entitled Invisible Enemies.


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