The Boss Said So

Nov 27, 2023

Have you ever hired or fired yourself?

For years as a marketer, I’ve kept two operative words in the forefront of my mind: Fun and Easy.

We learn at a faster and greater capacity when we are having fun, accomplish more and more easily and heck, who wouldn’t want a path of least resistance?

But in studying the Adult Child, I’ve come to realize that Fun and Easy, for them,  translate differently.

You see, a child around six years of age is egocentric – everything is about them as they’re not hyper aware of the needs of others yet – entertainment is paramount, they require someone to take care of them, responsibility is only just being programmed, they need direction, when they do think it’s short-term, and their mirror neurons are highly active, in other words, they imitate those around them.

A fully functioning adult is self-responsible, has a joyful attitude, is mindful of where their energy is being invested, chooses their company based on morals and values, honors their mind-body, thinks independently and longer term, gives freely, lovely abundantly, and aspires to create a meaningful life.

Fun and easy for the child is playing with friends, imagineering, running or skipping to wherever you want to go, and having the security of knowing that all the important decisions about home, school, bedtime, meals and finances are taken care of.

Fun and easy for the adult is working in a thriving environment with learning and advancing potential, financial freedom to easily provide for the family and options for growth, thinking and deciding for oneself without restrictions or the need for approval, relationships that provide an outlet for unconditional love, networks of like minds with whom to collaborate and build, and enjoying the rewards of discipline and responsibility with a healthy mind-body. 

But for many who have not yet taken their rite of passage to adulthood, they look to the authorities for direction, employment, and consent, work for currency, blame others when things aren’t satisfactory, seek entertainment that frees their mind of adulting, and whose radar is forever up for shortcuts.

Aha! ~ You are the only boss you will ever have.

I believe our goal is to become the single favourite individual that we would hire to work in our environment, to demonstrate spiritual enlightenment, to mentor our children, to create a proactive health regime, establish core values, and to lead through love and gratitude.

Some days I fire myself, then I realize I’m left with the boss.  At that point I remind myself that the boss knows the way because the boss makes decisions from the heart.  In no time, with a little kindness, inspiration and a renewed connection, I’m back on the payroll.

“Fun” for your soul is to follow your own way and always be expanding.  And “easy” happens in the present moment where all opportunity exists.  The boss said so.


My weekly reminder that I am work in progress and responsible for it all.  Let’s chat about the adult child and how to catch ourselves when we’re a little whiney.  Find more on YouTube under The Boss Said So.


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