The Pillar Pulse: APPRECIATION

jae m rang the pillar pulse Aug 20, 2024

This week’s theme is “appreciation”; appreciation for time, for people and for the belief and trust it requires to blossom fully.

I appreciate you.





Everyone wants the results, but how many are willing to put in the consistent work?

Napolean Hill said, in Think and Grow Rich, that the most difficult work you will do is the work of belief in what you are doing when there are no visible signs of results. I couldn’t agree more. It’s tough to keep up the commitment when the outcome you’re looking for is slow to reveal itself.

I’ve often thought that if our bodies were transparent, we could see how they react to what we put into them, or how stress is manifesting. Would we take greater care if we had real-time feedback?

The truth is your body is the most efficient lie-detector. Fatigue, headaches, upset tummy, joint pain and just about everything you experience is a response to something you consumed in some way. Certified Nutrition Coach and Daily Deposit (@daily_deposit) • Instagram photos and videos entrepreneur, William Mahood, leads the way in #SomethingEveryDay. The cumulative effect wins every time.



As I write, it is the heavenly birthday of the legend, Bob Proctor.

It is Bob that opened the door to my studies of Universal Law 30 years ago. The one he spoke most about was the Law of Attraction, a sub-law of the Law of Vibration.

What many people might refer to as “miracles” is really the laws in effect. Every form of creation begins with thought so what you materialize, in all aspects of your life, is a direct reflection of your thoughts. “… your environment is but a looking glass”

Bob used to ask a question of people he worked and coached with, “What the largest amount of money you’ve ever made?” He didn’t ask the question because he cared about the actual number, but the number gave him a clear indication of where that individual’s programmed set point was relative to their earnings. Bob helped me get mine straight.

I have a lot of pictures with Bob but I love this one because we are holding a wooden triangle my company custom made for Matrixx attendees. The triangle read, “It is what it is”, “Take the good”, “Forgive the rest”. Bob was a master at acceptance without dwelling, releasing all negativity, and keeping his focus on what was important. A day doesn’t go by that I don’t quote him. 



Sometimes when I’m in a restaurant, after I give my order to the server I’ll ask, “Oh, just one more thing … is it ready yet?” I get all kinds of fun comments back, but the truth is, in this “instant” society, we have come accustomed to expecting lightening fast results, replies and responses as normal.

But whether you’re building furniture or a year-end report, everything takes the time it takes. When you have an understanding of the process and craftsmanship that goes into each task - these domestically made lapel pins for instance How It's Made -- Lapel Pins ( - you can better plan your time and resources to get your wish each an every time.

Nothing says branding like custom!



We are groomed to be employees not entrepreneurs. In fact, being an entrepreneur scares the daylights out of most people, but I think it’s because they don’t understand it. The lessons you learn by taking a risk on yourself are both humbling and exhilarating. Yes, it can be lonely, and yes, the buck stops with you, so it does require creativity, discipline and oftentimes being your own cheerleader, but for those very reasons, the wins feel that much sweeter.

I’m a huge fan of the MLM business model because it’s the best of both worlds but not everyone agrees. I’ve witnessed, though, that with the right company you can be your own boss inside a turn-key system where the products, marketing, legal, IT, training, etc., are all done for you. Self-starters who are coachable can climb to new heights but strangely, they often encounter resistance from potential buyers (aka friends) who run away from MLM’s.

I think it is because there is a low level of accountability when buying from the big box stores or online providers as there is little to no personalization. You can walk away at any time. Not so easy to walk away from a friend.

But I believe that attitude is changing. The fewer hands in the supply chain, the more we can trust in what we receive. Let the villagers build the new economy.


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