jae m rang the pillar pulse Sep 11, 2024

We’ve been told for eons that “knowledge is power” but I don’t believe it is.  I believe it is how you use that knowledge that makes you a superhero.  Knowledge without application is just stuff.

I am reminded of a quote committed to memory, “Never let the urgent crowd out the important”. Though life is crazy busy, investing time to be your best is always time well spent.






Your body didn’t come with a handbook – mine neither – but if there was a Cole’s Notes version of that book, I believe it would be this: that you are designed to live in joy and abundance so your body is wired for survival … which means it can repair itself.  To do that that it needs proper fuel, rest, hydration and sunshine.  Simple, right?

Show of hands: how many consider essential self-care to be daily fresh air, purposeful work, and lots of hugs?

Society has us believing that we can toss in all kinds of processed foods and coffee, work stressful jobs on ridiculous hours behind fake light then expect to look and feel good.  It doesn’t work that way.

My recent studies with Lifewave have me looking deeper at our vital stem cells and how to keep them fresh and vibrant!  This quick vid compares the safety and efficacy of injecting another individual’s stem cells to an injured area of the body vs. regenerating your own.  I wear the X39  to support cell regeneration and age-reversal but know it’s not designed to outwork a challenged lifestyle. I totally feel the difference when I spend my days huddled behind my computer vs. walking in the sunshine between meetings with treasured clients in Bermuda, allowing the water to lap up on my feet in the sand at the end of the day, and feed myself on locally caught and grown foods.

We are designed to smile in healthy abundance.  All we need is A Human Approach!  




The closer we get to the shift, the more my ear is to the ground.

Daily I check in with the likes of Gregory Mannarino  Alasdair McleodAndy Schectman,  The Sound Money Podcast, my new favourite astrologer, Meg Moonbeam or event X feeds as they are all saying the same thing: change is coming.

Evidence being the eastern countries and central banks hording gold, Buffet selling $1B in stocks, 57 countries applying to be part of BRICS, the continual fall in purchasing power of the dollar, major corporations walking away from their responsibility of pensions, etc., etc., etc. This upcoming swing will be like none other. We can ignore the change and pray for the best or we can arm ourselves with knowledge and make decisions to protect ourselves.

I maintain that I am a researcher, not an advisor, and that I am simply being transparent here about my choices based on what I am learning - follow who you choose and make your own decisions - but I humbly admit openly and often that I wish I had taken to learning about the system – The Wizard of Oz for instance -  more seriously before the crash of 2009 as I would have done things very differently.  No time like the present, though!

Sound money – gold and silver – has been money for 5000 years.  Here’s a peek into what I am doing.  I share more every Wednesday at 1:00 pm in a live chat, register here for next session. 




What do we know about fear? 

We know that fear is a built-in mechanism to keep us from danger.  We also know that our mind does not know the difference between what is real and what is perceived which is why we developed acronyms like F.E.A.R. – False Experience Appearing Real – as a reminder as to when to pay attention to the fear and when to curb emotions around it.

We are always moving towards pleasure or to avoid pain – avoiding pain being a stronger motivator – so fear is a common tactic used to sway behaviour; in fact, John Adams said, “Fear is the foundation of most governments.”

We, trusting souls, do not have access to the details that those in power do so we rely upon what we are told to be true; therefore, through propaganda media, false flags and repetition of words, phrases or symbols, the masses can easily be put into fear and a controlled state.  Listen to the close beginning at the 8:45 mark with an excerpt from, They Thought They Were Free, The Germans, 1933-45 as they experienced what I call “the drip” and why Germans did not take a stand against the tyranny.

George Orwell said, “Anyone who challenges the prevailing orthodoxy finds himself silenced with surprising effectiveness.  A genuinely unfashionable opinion is almost never given a fair hearing.” True.  Censorship is at an all-time high.

You can’t single-handedly change the world but you can try and rid yourself of unnecessary fears.

Question everything.  Arm yourself  Be the change.





We love to be appreciated and celebrated, don’t we? 

Being pack animals, we naturally look for ways in which to live meaningfully amongst our fellow man, to collaborate and to receive.  Being isolated has, “…profound psychological, physical, and neurological effects on those who experience it, often lasting well beyond one's time in solitary” as described in this outline of solitary confinement.  We need to be social and feel a sense of belonging.  We are meant to feed off one another’s energy.

The award that sits on my desk is the Humanitarian Award given to me by the PPPC. It is one of my favourites because it represents countless opportunities of engagement over decades in the industry.  The membership and I had different views on the award, though. They thought they gave it to me but in reality, they gave it for me.  You see, I love to learn and can’t help but share – as I do here in The Pillar Pulse – so while the membership appreciated my service, it was I who thanked them.  I would not have had those opportunities to grow myself, with and through others, and advance our industry and its members, had they not allowed me the space, tools and blessings to do so.

Whether it’s a cup, bowl, plaque, frame or statue, remember to recognize your members who contribute to your success.  “People work for money but go the extra mile for praise, recognition, and rewards.” ― Dale Carnegie 


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