The Pillar Pulse: MINDFULNESS

the pillar pulse Aug 28, 2024

We are creatures of habit and do much of what we do automatically without thought or intention. 

So in this edition of The Pillar Pulse we address mindfulness in all categories with full intention to succeed deliberately (not just a signature line 😊

Pulling back on routine and questioning why we do what we do can easily be incorporated into our new routine to keep us from being too routine.  Make sense?

To your health!





What are you training for?

I do some exercises with bands and my Bosu to keep me in shape for golf and walk daily whether it’s a golf course, a trail or the neighbhourhood.  It has certainly replaced the daily runs and heavy gym routines from my twenties and thirties, but for me, fitness is about staying strong and agile to keep up with life’s demands so my workouts vary depending on my needs and focus.  Last year, during my move, I lifted and carried countless boxes up and down hundreds of stairs for weeks without issue.  I call what I do, “training for life”.

We are all training for something whether or not we are conscious of the decision.

Judy Lager, a fitness instructor and coach supporting the over 50 crowd, writes this in a recent publication drawing attention to everyday activities as a “for life” training program:  

You need to squat. To pick up things and put them down.
You need to lunge. To go up and down stairs.
You need to push. Push that grandbaby on the swing.
You need to pull. Those doors that don't open easily.
You need to rotate. Bring that safety belt across our body.

Now these may sound trivial to you because picking up things, opening doors and putting on your seat belt are activities you do without effort.  But what are the things you’d like to do better?  Are you training for them?

I was the first to join Judy’s new Facebook group where I expect the discussions and shares of over-50 fitness regimes will be plentiful. 

Never stop training. 




What’s in your backpack?

We could have a really philosophical discussion about carrying around baggage 😊 but it’s almost September, when the youngin’s go back to school, fall conferences get underway and we crank up the learning.

The backpack is representative of that time of year but let’s ask a different question in brand visibility.  What is the least expensive way to get most number of people seeing your brand regularly?

Many answer with a digital marketing strategy because you can reach thousands of people with one click … but do you? The brilliance of SENSORY MEDIA® is that you can generate thousands, if not millions of ongoing impressions long after the digital image was glazed over.

Bags, in general, are proven to generate over 1000 impressions each.  How? Because as long as that bag is in use, not only will the user see the brand mark, but those in eye shot of the user will, as well.  And the average promotional product stays in play for over a year.  Do the math.  Here is a favourite of ours Merchant & Craft Ashton 15" Computer Backpack | PCNA but with hundreds of options available, we can surely find a favourite of yours. 




One common and effective mind-control tactic is to get you to take sides.  Why?  Because once you take a side, you stop questioning.  Also, it serves to divide a population and you know what they say, “Divide and conquer”.

One way in which we take sides is with professional sports.  Turn on any game and you’ll see men in the stands wearing another man’s name on their back.  Challenge his fan-hood and you’ve got a rivalry on your hands!

Of course, politics is a great way to divide.  Would you like the red leader or the blue leader (red and blue being chosen colours for a hypnotic reason). 

The controversial Olympic boxing match fueled divisiveness, and mostly from people who took a side without diligent research or questioning the validity of the tests or information.

Did you have a Debate Club in high school or college?  How uncomfortable was it to take the side you least believed in and argue in its favour?  What did you learn about yourself in that process?

I believe what it will take to heal the world is unity.  And to have unity we need to be able to listen, to have compassion and to feel comfortable to first question everything without judgment and make the outcome of any game to serve higher good.




Sometimes we use terms so often, having a preconceived notion of their meaning, that they lose their impact.  And sometimes those words or terms, in their overuse, lose their meaning entirely.

“Inclusive”, “diverse”, “sustainable” are buzz words that we have been conditioned to believe that any program or initiative that contains these words must be truly in alignment with what is best for us.

In a call with Becca Armstrong, Subconscious Systems Engineer & Transformation Coach, we discussed terms like, “limiting beliefs”, “blocks”, “healing the inner child”, and if you’re doing any self-development, likely those terms have come up as issues for you to address.

People are using “iconic” and “epic” to describe experiences.  What words do they use when something really is iconic or epic?

My point isn’t to break down the meaning of any word and simply to draw attention to everyday words we use that may be disempowering.  “iphone” – eye phone – “good morning” – mourning – “weekend” – weakened.  Words have energy.

My hard copy of Word Magic Word Magic: The Powers and Occult Definitions of Words (Second Edition): Chang, Pao: 9780578589848: Books - contains highlights on every page including this powerful statement on word use, “When you innerstand their magic spells and use them wisely, they can empower you.  On the other hand, when their magic spells are used unwisely, they can curse you.”

Becca’s new program to overcome obstacles once and for all, will be out shortly- we’ll send you the link when we have it - and Becca will join us in Human U to deep dive Chapter #36 of 50 Simple Ways … entitled, Listen to Your Body in a discussion on energy.  Chapter #19, Use Your Words Immaculately, gets us started.



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