The Pillar Pulse: NOISE

jae m rang the pillar pulse Aug 20, 2024

I live close to Lake Ontario.  Sometimes I walk barefoot on the beach on a sunny day and other times find a bench to park myself and stare at the stars at night.  There is something about grounding in the elements that makes the world seem so peaceful and normal…like Mother Nature has it all figured out. And there is a feeling of connectedness that you can only find through being quiet.  In this issue of The Pillar Pulse, we look at some of the noise we endure and how to cut through it. I hope you enjoy it.



Is WIFI making you sick?

This week’s Deep Dive call in HumanU is on Chapter #28 of 50 Simple Ways to Release the Shackles of Self-Sabotage entitled, “Ride the Waves”.  Taking care of our beautiful bodies requires that we make quality choices on an ongoing basis to both feed and protect ourselves from the visible and the invisible.

Click the photo to watch this classroom of pioneers be humbled by their own experiment. The questions these students as afterwards are questions we should all be asking.

But we have become so tech-dependent that being without a connection for a mere hour seems like an eternity.  Is taking the side of convenience costs us our health? Naturopath Stany Bergeron suggests we choose to protect our quality of sleep by shutting down anything tech at least an hour before we turn in and definitely no technology in the bedroom.  But what about the daytime?  Becoming aware of EMF’s damage is the first step.  I’m using the EMF protection devices here.   Body Align™ - Energy Wellness at It's Best  See what works for you! 



You’ve got your brand talking loud and clear on social media, right?  Great!  While your stories are likely engaging and getting all kinds of “likes”, do you realize you’re only tapping into one or two of your buyer’s senses?  

We are multi-sensory beings AND we love gifts AND we’re happy to endorse brands we favour, three great reasons to take A Human Approach with SENSORY MEDIA®. When you get the right product into the hands of your client, your cost per impression becomes pennies.  

I received a yellow “Go Getter” mug at an industry tournament last week and I’m well underway to giving that brand hundreds of looks – free!  Click the photo above for details.

If drinkware’s not your thing, here are a million more options  You're One Aha! Away from Living Your Best Life: Home (  Remember Human U members see 2% of their merch orders donated to their favourite charity.



Have you figured out a way to create more hours in a day?

Let’s face it – we can’t manage time.  Time is like gravity; it operates the same for everyone so we need to learn to respect it, harness it and leverage it.

Sometimes it is meetings that can eat away at our productive time; meetings that don’t have a stated purpose, meetings without agendas, meetings that have been granted too much time for quick decisions … sound familiar?  How about this: rather than setting meetings in 30 or 60 minute segments, how about we choose 10-minute segments by being prepared and staying on track so we afford ourselves time for that sunshine walk, surf at the beach or good book that’s begging for your attention.

I found this brief blog on “hybrid meetings” helpful How to Have Successful Meetings with a Hybrid Working Model? - Improve.  Human U members save 25% on ALL Improov training!



How are you using AI? Recently, I used an AI platform to generate a title for a package I was putting together. In just a few seconds, it produced 10 quality headlines. The speed was staggering, and I completed the task in no time. While technology offers incredible convenience, it is a double-edged sword and, “… can channel divine or demonic intelligence” says Catherine Austin Fitts.

In this interview AI is Digital Control, You’ve Been Warned – Catherine Austin Fitts on Rumble, Fitts discusses the use of AI in its roll in an attack on humanity in this spiritual war. She provides detailed examples of financial fraud by companies, price manipulation at registers based on customers’ ability to pay, busy-ness, and other manipulative practices. Fitts warns that we must be educated and vigilant: “You need to be the master of your mind… don’t let systems surveil, manipulate, mind control, extract, and play you.”

How do you protect yourself?  Fitts has ideals solutions in the interview, above all suggestions you, “Plug into a community of like minds who know who to create their own reality.”  Great idea, Catherine.  Human U Subscription (

Speaking of protecting yourself, have you secured your precious metals membership yet?  Buy in fractional amounts through your own wallet.  Hold it in your possession or in a safe and secure vault.  Gift metals to friends and family through your wallet.  Click here to register for the next overview to learn what it looks like to have A Life Powered by Silver  


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