The Pillar Pulse: TAKING ACTION

the pillar pulse Aug 28, 2024

This edition is about believing the unbelievable and taking action.






Let’s talk about hydration.

Many people suffer from dehydration and experience headaches, lack of focus, chapped skin and other common ailments.  The tendency, then, is to take a pill or slap on some cream when the answer could be to simply drink more water.  How to Tell If You’re Dehydrated: Signs and Symptoms (

It’s not just the water, though, it’s the quality of water.  Dr. Jack Kruse explains the difference location can make as well as the container, storage, etc. in choosing a water source.  What kind of water should we drink? | Couch Talk Clips (  He recommends a book entitled The Fourth Phase of Water (link it to amazon) by Dr. Gerald Pollack that Kruse claims we will ask ourselves, “How did we not know this?”  This is now on my listening list.

Dr. Barbara O’Neill explains in this one-minute clip how to effectively use Celtic salt before you drink your water for maximum hydration Dr Barbara O'Neill - Importance of Celtic Salt ( (this is now a ritual of mine)

Steer clear of fluoridated water.  Fluoride has never been proven to to reduce cavities, it’s proven to cause cancer as well as cause brain damage.  Why take the chance? 

This week in Human U we did a deep dive on Chapter #34 of 50 Simple Ways to Release the Shackles of Self-Sabotage with Ted Hanik. Don’t miss the next vital conversation with Becca Armstrong (link to entitled “Listen to Your Body”. 




It’s the job of all entrepreneurs and business owners to be ahead of the curve. 

General Managers are there to run the current operation but those at the helm have the responsibility of looking steps, markets or years ahead to understand where we are headed and ensure their business is designed to respond to the needs of the people of the future.  Equipping their operation with not only appropriate systems and talent but goods and services that solve the problems we will face, takes vision and investment.

The same goes for Selfpreneurs (men and women who take A Human Approach).

However, of the 80,000 small businesses in the U.S. recently surveyed, 50% of them said they were certain or fairly certain that they could not survive another year if the inflationary measures continued.


Listen to George Carlin accurately describe the role of the classes George Carlin speaks on class, taxes, etc. ( and understand that in inflation, the rich get richer because their assets increase in value, the middle class works to pay taxes, and as Carlin puts it, the lower class is there to scare the middle class into continuing to go to work at their jobs.

The average individual is like an overworked general manager just trying to keep up. 

We need to start thinking like Selfpreneurs.  That means pausing the busy-ness to learn what is coming down the pike and how to prepare for it. If you’re ready, book yourself in for the next session where we cover inflation and protection and if you’re crypto-inclined, Emery has one of the BEST courses available  See you there?? 




If you want to earn more money, who do you consult?  A financial planner?  A mentor? Your dad? 

There are many books written and courses given about prosperity.  You can take the position of being in service, or choosing a profession that responds to a market need but our world is cyclical; what humans need now may not be what they need in the future.  Think of music.  First it was vinyl, then 8-tracks, then cassettes, then DVD’s, then downloads and now music is back on vinyl.  Suffice to say that the world is constantly changing and if we want to keep that money machine cranking, we need to learn to change with it.

But all hard, and even soft, skills aside, there is one innate capability we ALL own but that few tap into.  That skill is the ability to manifest. 

We call it a miracle when we are able to realize in the concrete what we were only thinking about but in reality, that’s how we create everything.  It all starts with thought as thought is energy.

Abraham Hicks talks about being in alignment with what you want to achieve Abraham Hicks 2023 | Get $100,000 from the Universe as a Proof just by Thinking about Abundance 🙏 ( and if I hadn’t manifested exactly $1.2m and other contracts myself, I may have called them miracles, too.

I have attracted staff, resources, support, business, green lights, info, things on sale, directions, good weather and even parking spots by choosing my thoughts and words very carefully and getting in energetic alignment with the outcome.  It’s not difficult, it just takes intention and trust.  There are no coincidences.

Since you can only connect the dots backwards, you can’t predict how the universe is going to deliver what you ask for, but make no mistake, it is.  The Aha! Moment Monday September 9th will reveal a pivotal example and invite you to try your hand at creation.  It’ll be SO fun.




When someone you meet for the first time asks about you, how do you respond? 

Do you begin with what you do; I’m a realtor, I’m a teacher, I’m a plumber, I’m a first-responder, I’m a homemaker?  Or do you respond with your mission or values?

When we lead with our profession – which 99% of the population does – we put ourselves into an identity box created by society about your career that includes how you serve, to your education, and how fat your wallet might be.

And what might happen if your identity is hacked?  In order words, what would happen if your job was threatened, you became unable to perform your craft or conditions under which you execute your profession changed enough to make you want to leave your practice?  If your identity was in some way stripped from you, how potentially damaging could that be to your ego or who you believe yourself to be?  Could that trigger an identity crisis?

Many years ago it benefited me to have President on my business cards, then I went through a phase  of not title whatsoever as not to initiate any preconceived ideas of my role or attempts to put me into a box.  Eventually I shifted to a descriptive yet general title with, Strategist, Speaker, Author, Mom. My signature is now service-oriented displaying my mission, Catalyst for Positive Change and Inspired Growth, leaving all accomplishments, certifications, and initials behind….now it’s just me.

Jason Christoff speaks about how difficult, lonely and defensive an identity crisis can be when you categorize yourself with what you do vs. who you are.  Jason Christoff: False Identity & Soul Loss ( Even though we grow more from our slips than our triumphs, the system does not applaud failures only successes.  However, when we are in touch with who we are, we can take ourselves anywhere and if, or when, our business or job takes a sharp right, we can easily course-correct in confidence and knowing.

Lesson one in our upcoming A Human Approach course is entitled, “Remember Who You Are” to get us grounded in gratitude and awareness of our uniqueness and ability as a co-creator Registration opens soon. 


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