The Power of the Pose
Feb 17, 2025Do know what a “power pose” is?
It’s the position you’ll see many superheroes take. Feet shoulder width apart, stand tall, shoulders back, head up with hands on the hips.
It’s a non-verbal communication style that increases feelings of strength and boosts confidence. suggests that it even aids in weight loss, muscle strength, cardiovascular health and betters motor skills. Making that small shift from a relaxed pose to a power pose can make a significant difference in your vigour and well-being.
Small shifts in phraseology can have a similar impact on your personal power.
Releasing, “I have to…” with “I get to…” is one such modifiction that moves you from the role of a to-do slave to one of feeling grateful and control. “I have to do the dishes” sounds like such a chore whereas “I get to do the dishes” reminds you that you enjoyed a wonderful meal and that you’re in charge of putting the kitchen back in order.
What would happen if we replaced, “I’m sorry” with “Thank you”? Could we turn a situation riddled with low-vibe guilt, embrassment or regret into one that radiates self-assurance and to reclaim our power?
Aha! ~ Power isn’t just how you stand.
Here is what the “I’m sorry” to “Thank you” shift sounds like:
“I’m sorry I’m late.” to “Thank you for waiting for me.”
“I’m sorry I made a mistake.” to “Thank you for catching my mistake.”
“I’m sorry for asking for another favour.” to “Thanks so much for helping me out.”
“I’m sorry that I can’t attend tonight.” to “Thank you for inviting me.”
“I’m sorry to bother you.” to “Thank you for giving me a moment of your time.”
The confession hasn’t changed however the verbal power pose of “thank you” is one of gratiude and confidence and will often be met with a “you’re welcome”. Case closed. We move on.
Embrace your inner strength.
I think often of the Eric Hoffer quote, ‘In times of change, learners inherit he earth where the learned find themselves beautiful equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists” as we build Human U. The learning that happens during our weekly discussions on the Aha! primes us to inherit – and create – our world. Will you join us?
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