Thinking Time
Feb 03, 2025What is one thing you desire?
(Before you read on, lock that thing – big or small – into the forefront of your mind).
Now imagine how you feel achieving it.
A desire is your inner intelligence speaking to you. If you desire something then it’s meant to be yours. But many people will not achieve their desires, not because they are not deserving or worthy, but because their programming stands in the way.
You see the people who programmed you in your early years were not aware of your desires so the downloads you got may not allow you to get into the life you really want. And since 95% of your behaviour and actions are based on your programming, “Your life is a printout of your subconscious programming.” ~ Dr. Bruce Lipton. You can’t even see that you are engaged in living on autopilot because the conscious mind is not observing it.
But it’s the conscious mind that is creative and can activate the intellectual factors – will, perception, imagination, memory, reason – and can override the programming.
So why don’t we?
Aha! ~ Free will is only possible if you know of it ~ Facebook contributor
You can invoke free will or you can live as a victim of circumstance and programming.
Applying free will and choosing to follow your desire will initially feel uncomfortable, disruptive and unnatural. You are wired for safety and survival so anything that goes against your programming will feel different but it is in that scary, unknown territory that infinite potential exists.
There are a number of ways to override your programming but first you must become an observer of self. You need to step away from your beliefs and what feels normal to ask yourself, “Why am I doing this?”, “Why do I think that way?”, “Is that choice mine or is it habitual?” then recruit your creative, conscious mind to challenge yourself towards your desire.
Hypnosis – affirmation audios that you listen to in the theta state (awakening or falling asleep at night) – as well as repetition are effective in overriding programming. Process is not linear though – there will be ups and down, frustrations and setbacks – but when your desire is strong, you will be inspired to keep going. Eventually the new habits and beliefs will become your new normal – your new modus operandi – and will bring more joy and fulfillment because you chose it.
“One cannot learn what they think they already know.” ~ Epictetus
Whatever you do, give yourself grace along the way. You had no say in your initial operating system but you have a huge say now.
Learn to think differently.
In Human U this week we’ll talk about thinking your way to desires. Join us!
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