Three Wise Men!
Apr 10, 2023
As I write, it is the one-year anniversary of Bob Proctor’s passing. Bob was a larger-than-life individual and inspired millions of people across the earth not only with his teachings but with his heart.
I remember receiving a telephone call from him in the late 90’s. I knew who he was because I had heard him interviewed but was only vaguely familiar with the people he studied and material he shared. Bob popped over to my office, dropped $1000 worth of tapes and books on my showroom table and we began to discuss his desire to launch a new seminar series fashioned after the book, “The Science of Getting Rich” by Wallace Wattles. The book was written in 1903 and quickly became one of my favourites; I read it hundreds of times and adopted the “certain way” Wattles described. I became Bob’s go-to for gifts, incentives and seminar tools that day forward.
In the early 2000’s when Bob’s team announced at a seminar that they wanted to begin a Facilitator Program, I ran to Mark Shearon, Bob’s right-hand man at the time, and was first to hand in my card. I trained with Bob and certified in several programs. Bob said, “You’ll start by sharing my material then create your own.” He was right. I did. And in between seminars, Bob and I would sit at his kitchen table, a hotel room in Las Vegas or in his studio, to create the next round of promotional gifts – “triggers’ as Gina Hayden calls them. We became lifelong clients, supporters and friends.
I watched Bob evolve, expand and continue to express himself as he did me.
Linda, Bob’s wife, posted a wonderful tribute sharing that she recently found a piece of paper with Bob’s handwriting in one of his books. In memory of my mentor, and with gratitude to Linda, I’d like to share that quote as today’s Aha!
Aha! ~ “The height, depth and width of your limitations can be measured by your idea.” ~ Bob Proctor
Understand this is not a motivational quote, this is truth. As co-creators connected directly with Source energy, our limitations are imposed by our thinking, our programming and the visualizations we allow ourselves to bring to life.
I learned this first from my dad, whose third-year passing I honored only 10 days ago. My dad lived through the second world war, his family separated where he and his siblings all went to live with someone else. His dad was taken to a POW camp and his mom attempted suicide over the grief. My dad told stories that the military used to hide him under tarps in their truck and sneak him in to see his dad. Once the war ended, the family managed to reunite, my dad finished boarding school then came to Canada, all of 21 years of age with $19 in his pocket and a trade.
Of the many stories my dad told, and always with a smile on his face, one was that his commute to and from his first job in Canada was 10 miles in shoes that were too small. He vowed that for all the miles he walked he would one day drive a Mercedes. He did – that was the car I learned to drive on – and he had countless successes afterward. My dad, like Bob, followed his passion – my dad’s in aviation – and with several patents to his credit and owning 85% market share, became an icon in his industry. Like Bob, he worked well into his eighties as he was passionate about living with purpose. He was an incredible role model and the most dedicated family man.
Today I see my dad in my son; kind, honorable, intelligent, the strong-silent family man whose passion is in finding meaning and being all-in with life. Bob’s mentorship also had a great impact; it’s not often you see 19-year-old kids read Think and Grow Rich, use their own money to fly to conferences and create vision boards. Today at 29, William and I celebrate and miss “Grandpa” and Bob, grateful to have walked with them on our life’s journey. We recognize how important it is to choose the right heroes.
The more you lean into life, the more it pushes back. It’s the Universe’s way of preparing you for what’s next. What I remember most about my dad – aside from his family-famous bear hugs – was him always reminding me, “Life is good, Ginger, life is good”. It sure is, Dad, it sure is.
Join me tomorrow – February 7th – at NOON east here to discuss what it takes to be a hero.
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