The Watering Can

aha moment jae m rang Nov 13, 2023


Dr. Joe Demartini says that everything we do creates a benefit.

Well, Dr. Joe, sometimes I procrastinate, stay up too late and often fail to turn my nice warm shower cold at the end even though I know that’s good for me.

I have put off making what I expect to be a difficult phone call to a service provider, traded sunlight for blue light (having to do that “one more thing” on the computer), and feeling cool while detoxing, resist more “cold” in the shower.

What could possibly be the benefit of procrastination, blue light and cheating my circulatory system?

Demartini insists that there must be a benefit or we would stop doing whatever that thing is.  In fact, he suggests that we believe we are sabotaging but in fact we are living either conscious or unconscious motives.

Demartini described his theory with stories of weight loss patients posing the question, “Why are you heavy?” In some cases it took 100 questions to drill down to answers like, “My older sister used to beat me up as a child so as long as I stay heavier than she is, I feel safe”, “My entire family is heavy so being different would risk being rejected”, and “If I’m heavy, I am less attractive which means I don’t need to face dealing with intimate relationships.”  None of the true answers had anything to do with food – the strategy is transferable as long as the belief is held in place - food was simply the mechanism. 

On some level, are we afraid of failing or afraid of accomplishing?  Are we afraid to challenge our safety zone, take a risk, and look a little foolish that we convinced ourselves that potentially destructive habits are of benefit?  Or are we afraid that we might actually step into our true self of happiness and abundance and leave our safety zone behind?

Aha! ~ Either way, the grass is green where you water it.

It appears greener on the other side so we make up excuses and tell ourselves stories as to why we are not deserving, why we need to protect ourselves or why avoiding change is less disruptive to others. Many of those stories are rooted in the unconscious and bring a benefit of fitting in, safety, and comfort. 

What if we chose to flood ourselves with ever-flowing belief, encouragement and acceptance?

Our ego believes that in order to survive, we need to behave like the others even though it stifles our true nature of increase.  Our soul knows that in order to expand, it doesn’t require the approval of others, only the essence of our highest Self to guide where the watering can sprinkles.

My current detox plan requires not only conscious eating but facing emotions on a daily basis, bite by bite.  One small variation I made was to change up my words from “I need to get something to eat” to “I need to find some nutrition”.  It totally shifted my perspective of what I will make at feeding time.  And if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to get away from the computer now for an hour’s walk as the sunshine calls and my body is so ready to move.  

Be too busy working on your own lawn that you don’t notice others.

This Aha! was brewing for a while but sat on the back-burner as we worked on making the latest in the series of 50 Simple Ways .. a BEST SELLER!  The grass is truly greener where you water it.  Let’s talk more about that perception transformation on our A Human Approach channel entitled The Watering Can.


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