Words to Empower By

Dec 11, 2023

As one who studies energy and words, my use of the word “explosive” in a post today brought to the forefront accepted language of our culture that is counter-intuitive to peace and goodwill towards men.

Many common sayings have destructive implications, “explosive” being one.  How about “ready, aim, fire”  Or get ready to “pull to trigger”.  It’s easy to say, “I’m drowning in work” or “I’d kill for some chocolate cake.”  What about, “shoot the messenger”, “throw the baby out with the bathwater”, “there’s more than one way to skin a cat”, and “holy smokes”? (learning the origin of that one turned my stomach).  Someone can also “butcher a song”, “torture with suspense” or “kill time”.  

In, Word Magic, the author, Pao Chang cites, “The word “grammar” is the old French word, gramaire … and has a strong connection to the English word, “grimoire”.  In fact, grimoire, etymologically, means “incantation, grammar”. defines grimoire using these exact words: “a manual of magic or witchcraft used by witches and sorcerers.”  

Does the word spell-ing make more sense now?  How about cult-ure?

Did you ever wonder why the symbols of corporations are called logos?  The terms logos is defined in Greek philosophy as, “reason regarded as constituting the controlling principal of the universe and as being manifested by speech.”  Those symbols, colours, shapes and words create impressions.

To what degree are we affected by words and symbols hidden in plain sight and immersed in our civilization? How can we control our destiny with our understanding of these incantations? 

Aha! ~ Become aware that silence implies consent.

Choosing your words carefully in order for them to cast positive energy amongst humankind shifts everything in a positive direction.  It requires becoming aware of the origin of words and making conscious, empowering selections with each articulation.  It also means preserving your natural rights by speaking up, backing off, calling out, turning off or disengaging with those in violation of natural law through their words, symbols, movies, music, mandates or messages. 

Dark forces get away with their magic because of the general ignorance by the masses.  And given that we are pack animals, it’s natural for us to imitate those around us because fitting in feels necessary for our safety and survival.  But we are intelligent beyond belief and armed with free will. So, let’s start small by simply questioning the words and phrases we use to choose terms that embolden flow and delightful exchange. Then research the logos and symbols of the brands you support to know that your hard-earned money is indeed going to the hands of “good”.  

Create the magic of joy and abundance.


My mom started me on word dissection when I was in grade school.  The book “Word Magic” in unbelievably revealing of what we are actually saying to ourselves!  And as a marketer, studying the energy of colours, fonts and symbols is ongoing so I think you’ll love what we have in mind for our new A Human Approach brand mark!  Join us on YouTube entitled, Words to Empower By, for SO much more on word magic.


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