Your Brilliance Depends on It

Nov 21, 2023

I live fairly close to the city of Toronto (Canada) so the lights of the GTA (Greater Toronto Area) compete with the stars … and win.  The sky on a clear night looks pretty black and blah with a twinkling only here and there. 

But I remember times away from the City – a campfire night at my friends Barb & Al’s cabin up north, late night skiing with the fam in the alps, and apres golf at Cabot Cliffs – when it was tough to get me back inside. I was so mesmerized by the brilliantly lit up sky with more stars than I could count even if I stayed out all night. 

They say good friends are like stars, you don’t always see them, but you know they are there. 

And there are many individuals amongst us who plod diligently, methodically along.  They smile, serve, share and encourage as part of their unassuming way.  Yet when darkness falls, they rise like the sun and their strength lights the way for others. 

Aha! ~ The darker it gets, the brighter the stars. 

Adversity tests.  Adversity teaches.  Adversity builds. 

Adversity can feel dark and draining but adversity is fuel for your lamp.  Be forever grateful for your challenges and draw upon your will to conquer them.  Your brilliance depends on it.   

Shine on. 


Beam onto our YouTube channel, entitled, Your Brilliance Depends on It, for more of a conversation about darkness into light!  And be sure to pick up a copy of 50 Simple Ways to Release the Shackles of Self-Sabotage (link below) while we’re in presell!  Your advance purchase comes with some very cool gifts!! 


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