Aha! You Made It

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Growth aha moment jae m rang Sep 02, 2024

Ahh.....September, the time to get back into the routine.

The kids are back in school and we release the whimsical pattern-less summer for more structure and some sense of normalcy.

We humans...

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The Teenage Years aha moment jae m rang Aug 26, 2024

I was discussing, with a friend, the other day the statistic of anxiety for first year university students.  Apparently 80% of them are suffering serious anxiety.

This is troubling because the...

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Be Your Own Bank aha moment jae m rang Aug 19, 2024

If you were offered a million dollars or a million dollar idea which would you choose?

The million dollars sounds like the safe route and is likely the hands-down answer for most. Perhaps...

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The Job You Want aha moment jae m rang Aug 12, 2024

What does it take to land the ideal job?

I suppose ideal to one person could be disaster to another so let’s dig down a bit.

Does your ideal job involve travel and diversity or do...

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Common Purpose Leadership aha moment jae m rang Aug 05, 2024

Great leaders build leaders.

It’s that simple.


Great leaders know that it’s important to first assemble a team of people who, individually, are meant for that work.

But we...

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Believing is seeing aha moment jae m rang Jul 29, 2024

What level of proof do you need to see before you believe something to be true?
Before you hire someone, do you extensively review resumes and previous performances? Before you invest in a...

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Gratitude is Just the Beginning aha moment jae m rang Jul 22, 2024

What do you hold in value?

Does the answer to the question come quickly or do you have to ponder it for a bit?

Given that we’re beings of consciousness it would make sense that we would be...

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Testing, 1, 2 ā€¦ aha moment jae m rang Jul 15, 2024

When you run a bath or shower, do you put your hand under the water before stepping in? Testing the water to ensure the temperature is just right makes sense to avoid scalding or shocking your...

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A Meaningful Pause aha moment jae m rang Jul 08, 2024

What are you addicted to?

Everyone is addicted to something.  It’s natural.  Sometimes it is a habit that we repeat often enough, we eventually realize we can’t live without...

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Be Contagious aha moment jae m rang Jul 01, 2024

How easy is it to solve someone else’s problem?

You’re at lunch and everyone at the table is talking about how much they want to eat right and get into shape but can’t seem to...

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Super Freq aha moment jae m rang Jun 24, 2024

Sometimes I come across something that I believe is so game-changing – a program, a book, a food, a concept, a modality – then totally unleash my passion and share it enthusiastically....

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Try Not to Think of Pink Elephants aha moment jae m rang Jun 17, 2024

As many times as you’ve probably heard that the mind’s eye doesn’t know the difference between what’s real and what isn’t, it’s still hard to fathom.

The reason...

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