Aha! You Made It

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The Forever Happy Dance aha moment jae m rang May 27, 2024

What makes you happy?

Achieving a goal? A walk in the woods? A swim in the ocean? New shoes? Watching your child play? A vacation? 

There are so many things that can trigger happiness –...

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Ask Questions aha moment jae m rang May 20, 2024

Who is doing your thinking?

If you’re scratching your head and saying to yourself, “Well, duh, I am”, wondering why I would suggest it would be anyone else, then let me explain...

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Fan or Friend aha moment jae m rang May 13, 2024

I remember the transition of Robin Williams and how it sparked so much discussion about the mind, the brain, chemical reactions, connections and purpose. People asked that for someone so brilliant,...

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I Donā€™t Feel Like It aha moment jae m rang May 06, 2024

How many times have you justified your action – or inaction – with busy-ness, other priorities, inconveniences, lack of communication or missing elements when the real reason you did...

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Going into the Silence aha moment jae m rang Apr 29, 2024

While travelling, I had my laptop plugged into a wall outlet in our condo that experienced a power surge.  My cord sparked as the breaker tripped.  I reset the breaker then tried plugging...

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Rose are Red, Violets Are _________ aha moment jae m rang Apr 22, 2024

 How accepting are we?


Someone might hand in a report saying they dotted their T’s and crossed their I’s and we don’t question it. We just receive the report having...

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When Mercury Goes Retrograde aha moment jae m rang Apr 15, 2024


Whether or not you follow – or ever believe in – astrology, there is one thing for certain: everything in this Universe operates in cycles and patterns.  Nothing is linear,...

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Write Away aha moment jae m rang Apr 08, 2024

What do you think of schools removing cursive writing from their teachings?

I suppose you can argue that of the 3R’s, (w)riting can be deemed “communication”, and maybe...

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All Done aha moment jae m rang Apr 01, 2024

I’m done.

I celebrated 44 years February 29th which was quite a milestone! 

During that time in business I’ve won 11 awards for creative, results oriented marketing programs,...

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Cheering Section aha moment jae m rang Mar 25, 2024

Last week I had lunch with my friend, Lorraine. We don’t see each other often because we both have very busy lives and live about three hours apart. Our lunch was planned about a month in...

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Build It and They Will Come aha moment jae m rang Mar 18, 2024

Are heading to where you want to be?
When asked, “What holds back most people in your industry from being successful?” one of my mentors, Linda, responded, “A paradigm...

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Progress aha moment jae m rang Mar 11, 2024

Last night I was listening to the opposition party leader here in Canada talking about how our current government has let the people down. 

He pointed specifically to the escalating drug...

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